Lithium Battery-Related Raw Materials

Lithium Battery-Related Raw Materials

Application Notes

Lithium Battery Resource-Related Materials 

Application Instructions As one of Taiwan's leading manufacturers of lithium battery resource-related raw materials, Wishes Technology has professional expertise and advanced equipment, allowing us to efficiently handle all types of lithium batteries. During the process of breaking down various lithium batteries, our internal standards exceed regulatory requirements, as we conduct different levels of sorting, classification, and testing. This ensures that materials from each type of lithium battery are properly processed and turned into high-quality raw materials.

We utilize advanced technology to disassemble batteries and maximize the production of high-value raw materials, effectively minimizing environmental impact. Our experienced team applies the concept of "urban mining" to produce a variety of different raw materials, fulfilling the goals of a circular economy while reducing the strain on natural resources.

Our company ensures that the various raw materials produced from lithium batteries are made using green manufacturing processes that are environmentally friendly, contributing to the protection of the environment. We are committed to promoting green sustainability and circular economy practices, making tangible contributions to the long-term development of society.

Quality Assurance The manufacturing quality of raw materials related to lithium battery resources directly affects their application in various products and their environmental benefits. Ensuring high standards in the production of these materials is crucial and can be achieved through the following methods:

Selection of Raw Material Sources Appropriate raw material sources must be selected to avoid the use of contaminated or mixed lithium battery materials. Based on the different types of materials recovered from battery disassembly, strict collection, classification, storage, and transportation standards should be established to prevent material cross-contamination.

Strict Processing Procedures The processing of raw materials related to lithium batteries involves steps such as cleaning, sorting, discharging, and molding. These processes should be carefully executed to remove impurities and improve the purity and uniformity of the materials. During processing, parameters such as temperature, pressure, and time must be precisely controlled to ensure product stability.

Testing and Evaluation Appropriate testing instruments and methods must be used to conduct physical, chemical, and mechanical performance tests on the manufactured lithium battery-related raw materials. These tests may include density, melting point, tensile strength, and abrasion resistance. The test results should be compared with national or industry standards to determine whether the product meets quality requirements.

Effective Management and Supervision A comprehensive quality management system should be established, adhering to relevant ISO standards (e.g., ISO 15270:2008 for plastic waste and ISO 14001:2004 for environmental management controls). During production, regular sampling and testing should be conducted to identify and resolve issues promptly. Any defective raw materials should be promptly reprocessed or destroyed to prevent substandard products from entering the market.

This quality control process ensures the production quality of lithium battery resource-related raw materials, further promoting their application in various products and enhancing their environmental benefits.

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